We’re looking forward to seeing you at LTA Rally National Land Conservation Conference in Providence, RI from Sept. 25-28, 2024.
If you’re interested in learning more about how Landscape can help your organization, talk with us at our booth, join our live demo on Friday (sign up), or attend Saturday breakfast and enter your organization in a drawing for $749 off your first year subscription to Landscape (register for breakfast).
We value connecting with members of the Landscape community. If you are a Landscape user attending Rally, please stop by the booth to learn about all the newest features, share suggestions, and to pick up your Landscape User ribbon!
Stop by our booth
We’ll be demoing Landscape at Booth 25 all day from Thursday Sept. 26 to Saturday, Sept. 28.
Stop by or reach out to us to schedule a time to learn about the features of Landscape.

Attend our live demo
Join us for a live demonstration of Landscape land conservation software at LTA Rally National Land Conservation Conference, where we will complete an acquisition project, do a live site visit with the mobile app, print an annual monitoring report, and export LTA Accreditation data in just 25 minutes!
Event details:
Friday, September 27, 2024
12:15 PM – 1:00 PM
Ballroom E
Join us for breakfast
Looking to improve your project management processes and data organization? Join us for breakfast where you’ll learn about Landscape land conservation software, a comprehensive tool for land conservation work. See a live demonstration of the ways that Landscape helps teams manage projects, conduct site visits in the field, generate reports, store important documents, summarize data, and prepare for LTA accreditation.
Attend to enter your organization in a drawing for $749 off your first year subscription to Landscape.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Omni Providence Hotel,
Newport/Washington room
Hope to see you at Rally!
The Landscape Team